

At Krabbesholm we have 4 main subjects: Architecture, Design, Visual Communication, and Art. Most of the everyday life and education is at these main courses. But a stay at Krabbesholm is much more than teaching in the four main courses.

  • Now and then, we shift the schedule to workshop weeks and interdisciplinary projects.
  • Outside your own schedule, you will be able to choose from different workshops during the semester.
  • Each main course plans at least one study tour.
  • We have external teachers visiting all the time.

Read more about the main courses. Apply for courses here


Every day after the morning assembly the main course teachings begin. Classes are devided into two blocks each day from 9.30 AM to 12.00 and again from 1.30 to 4.00 PM. Each main course has study circle teachings scheduled every Monday. These teachings will provide you with theoretical superstructure and practical perspectives within the given main course. Tuesday afternoons are reserved for p-events with lecturers from outside of the school. These events are for the entire school. Workshop teachings usually take place in the evenings or during the weekends.

There are no holidays scheduled throughout the semester – a stay at Krabbesholm is intense and concentrated.


Two workshop weeks are scheduled each semester. During these workshop weeks you will be able to work concentrated with specific disciplines within the fields of the school. We abandon the usual schedule, and we put together groups across the main courses. This way, you will be able to work together with different people from what you are used to.

Here are some examples of courses, which could be available during workshop weeks: Photography, video, ceramics, graphic design, clothing, lightning, painting, book printing, serigraphy, furniture, metal, audio, sculpture/installation, performance, drawing, graphics.


During the semester you are also able to participate in weekly workshops. These workshop teachings are an offer for those who have the time and desire. It is an opportunity to work with something different from art, architecture, literature, and design.

The schedule changes each semester – here is a list of previous workshops: Yoga, drawing, literature history, ceramics, film, writing, sewing, photography, philosophy, art history, serigraphy, modelling, football.


A tour abroad is part of both the autumn and the spring semester, and additional tours are arranged throughout the year. This way, you will be able to visit education institutions of relevance, drawing offices, publishing houses, authors, museums, and exhibitions.

Please note that lectures may be in Danish.


The teachers at the school are practicing artists, photographers, designers, graphic designers, and architects. They live at the school and are all engaging in creating a constant energy field of intensive work at the workshops.

  • Tore Hallas, art
  • Sophie Hjerl, art
  • Anna Samsøe, ceramics
  • Torkild Kleppe, architecture
  • Josefine Bols, architecture
  • Sarah Jo Fischer, architecture
  • Rane Bols, architecture
  • Nanna Vestergaard, design
  • Søren Overgaard, design
  • Sara Smed Jensen, design
  • Charlotte Jensen, visual communication
  • Per Andersen, visual communication


At Krabbesholm we have a wide network of external teachers both in and outside of Denmark who will be teaching some weeks during the semester within the main courses. We have chosen to invite artists, architects, designers, and authors as an addition to the regular teaching schedule. The external teachers will arrange projects, which are meant to inspire students and teachers. Some of the guests will incorporate the students directly in their work, and this way you will be able to work with professionals for a shorter amount of time:

Cecilie Skov (artist), Jonathan VanDyke (artist), Julie Born Schwartz (photographer), Miljohn Ruperto (artist) Olof Olsson (artist), AVPD / Aslak Vibæk & Peter Døssing (artists), Dan Graham (artist), Joachim Koester (artist), Jesper Dalgaard (artist), Kenneth Balfelt (artist), Michael Stickrod (artist), Søren Martinsen (artist), Ulrik Heltoft (artist), Michel Auder (artist), Vinyl, Terror & Horror (artist group), Daniel Peter Askeland (painter)

Snorre Nash (architect), Dan Stubbegård (architect), Bjarke Ingels (architect), Atelier Bow-Wow / Yoshiharu Tsukamoto og Momoyo Kaijima (architects), Kirsty Badenoch (architect), Mette Bak Andersen (architect), Jacob Bang (architect), Michael Meredith og Hilary Sample (MOS architects), Mogens Prip Buus (architect), Tina Henriette Kristensen (architect),

Daniel Jurhart & Kai Gerhard (fashion- and accesory designer) HYPHA CoLab: Lasse Sylvest Lilleør (textile designer) & Søren Overgaard (industrial designer), Laura Rathschau (conceptuel designer), Thomas Albertsen (industrial designer), Jens Ole Arńason (fashion designer), Frederik Gustav (furniture designer), StudioBly: Anne Brandhøj & Eva Fly (furniture designers), Bonnie Hvillum (material designer), Better Weather, Kasper Lynge & Anne Werner (artist & fashion/print designer), Jeremy Walton (product designer), Rikke Ruhwald (fashion designer), Ukurant: Lærke Ryom, Kasper Kyster, Josefine Krabbe Munck, Kamma Rosa Schytte (furniture designers), Aysenaz Toker & Merva Tuna (product – designers), David Weatherhead, (designer), Trine Tronhjem & Liv Rømer (textile designers), Kasper Kjeldgård (furniture designer), Anna Aagaard Jensen (designer), Kolja Gollub, (artist), Anne Reimen (designer), Jonas Edvard (designer), Davide Ronco (ceramic), Kaja Skytte (architekt), Rasmus B Fex (furniture crafts), Maria Bruun (furniture designer)

Majse Aymo-Boot (author), Esben Weile Kjær (artist), Asger Hartvig (musician), Ida Marie Hede (author), Theis Ørntoft (author), Lone Aburas (author), Nikolaj Zeuthen (author/musician), Cia Rinne (author), Kasper Hesselbjerg (author/artist), Rasmus Graff (author/publisher)

Karen Grønneberg & Marte Meling Enoksen (graphic design), Mads Wildgaard & Rasmus Schønning (Bold Decisions – graphic design), Radim Peško (graphic design), Tomáš Celizna (graphic design), Marieke Stolk (Experimental Jetset – graphic design), Linda van Deursen (Mevis & Van Deursen – graphic design), Trine Rask (type designer), Rasmus Koch (graphic design), Mads Freund Brunse & Guðmundur Úlfarsson (Or Type – graphic design)

The Space Lady, Kresten Michael Osgood (musician), Sture Ericson (musician), Goodiepal (Kristian Vester) (composer, musician), Nikolaj Nørlund (musician, singer), Nis Bysted (musician/graphic designer), P.O. Jørgens og Global Guaranty Orchestra (band), Kasper Opstrup (scientist), Merete Sanderhof (art history), Lars Bech Pilgård (musician), Chris Kasper (Occupy Wall Street) , Peter Brötzman (musician and saxofonist), Mats Gustafsson (musician)


Autumn semester students are offered free satellite courses in Copenhagen and Aarhus in March or April where students can participate in classes focussing on entrance examinations for further education.


The student counselling at Krabbesholm strives to be as updated and relevant as possible. There are three forms of counselling and all our students have made use of one or more during the semester.

  • During the semester every student has one mandatory talk with a teacher about the student’s wellbeing at the school and about the student’s future plans. This talk normally lasts 30 minutes.
  • The main course teachers keep themselves updated on the educational situation within their specific field. Therefore, the students always have the possibility to receive guidance about their main course and its educational opportunities from the teacher.
  • The school also has a student counsellor employed. This way the students are able to receive a broader guidance about other educational opportunities than the ones related to our main courses. The students are offered guidance about application procedures, terms of admission etc. The guidance can also be less specific and be a more general conversation about wishes and needs and the general opportunities offered by the educational system.

Josefine Bols, architecture

Torkild Kleppe, architecture

Sarah Jo Fischer, architecture

Søren Overgaard, design

Tore Hallas, art

Charlotte Jensen, visual communication

Sara Smed, design

Rane Bols, architecture

Nanna Vestergaard, design

Anna Samsøe, Ceramic and sculpture

Per Andersen, visual communication

Sophie Hjerl, Art

Casting tests from architecture

Student working in the art department

Students working in the graphic design department