A stay at Krabbesholm Højskole is a package deal where teaching, events, meetings, and practical assignments – such as kitchen duty and cleaning – are inseparable. Everything is mandatory. Every student has a responsibility towards the community and the social environment. A good and friendly atmosphere is important.
We start every day 9:00 AM with morning assembly in Pakhusets Samlingssal. A teacher or a group of students initiate a small feature, which works as a shared introduction to the day. Main course classes are from 9:30 AM to 4.00 PM including a one and a half hour lunch break at 12 AM. Two times a week all students have cleaning duty during the lunch break. Furthermore, a small informal exhibition will often take place Friday afternoon, so that students can experience what a specific main course has been working on. Some weeks an opening in either Four Boxes, the school gallery, or in KBH Kunsthal will take place as well.
All student groups have mandatory kitchen duty in turn. If you are not on kitchen duty, your school day is over when classes are finished. It is possible to participate in voluntary workshop teachings many nights and weekends. Furthermore, varying from semester to semester, you are able to participate in excursions, films, sports, or even band practice. And of course all school facilities and workshops are open 24/7 if you simply cannot stop thinking about your project.
You either stay in a single or double room organized in 10 student groups. The rooms are very versatile. Some are located in buildings from the year 1700, while others are from the 1960s. The school has chosen to invite various artists, architects, and designers to decorate the living areas belonging to the individual student groups. The idea behind this is that each student group is unique, and that you as a student should be challenged on your expectations to accommodation when arriving at the school. Each student group has their own student group teacher, who meets with the group every Monday evening. Everything is up for debate at these meetings; this week’s program, the following weekend, changes in schedule, study tours, lectures, concerts, exhibitions, and much more. Furthermore, the teacher and the students are able to discuss the wellbeing of the students in the group; are everybody happy? Or are there any problems, which should be addressed? New ideas and suggestions are also welcome at the meetings. The meetings can vary in location: a walk by the fjord or a trip to the cinema or the trotting course.
The kitchen at Krabbesholm is open 24/7. The kitchen is green and with homemade food and freshly baked bread each morning. Many of our ingredients are local. This includes fresh fish, vegetables, and dairy products. Many students are vegetarians, and it is therefore possible to opt out of the food arrangements from week to week. The student groups are on kitchen duty in turn. Breakfast is served every weekday at 8 AM, a hot dish is served for lunch every weekday at 12 AM, and dinner is served every day at 6 PM. If you need a snack during the day feel free to stop by the kitchen.
The students are responsible for cleaning. You will become familiar with a vacuum cleaner, and you will excel in washing floors and descaling bathrooms. You clean your own room, while common rooms, outdoor spaces, and classrooms are joint responsibilities.
Smoking is allowed on the outdoor areas and in the director’s office. It is the individual person’s responsibility that the smoking policy is enforced. If a student violates this policy the matter will be dealt with according to the general regulations of the school. If an employee violates the policy it may result in consequences for the terms of the employment. Employees cannot claim a break for smoking.
If something of importance for the whole school is discussed at student group meetings, it can be brought to the attention of the student council. The student council meet every week where they discuss varying issues. Furthermore two representatives from the council are present at the staff meeting every week.
Each Friday the student groups take turns and organize a bar and once a month the main courses, also by turn, put together a party. At Krabbesholm Højskole, it is permitted to drink alcohol on Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm.
Example of a student room
Et eksempel på, hvordan en uge kan se ud for en elev på linjefaget Kunst
Student work area in the art department
Architecture student in Tham & Videgård
The dining hall
Exhibition at Four Boxes
The main hall
Krabbesholm Højskole is right next to Limfjorden
Example of a student room
Student group meeting fireside