Visual Communication

Spring 2023

What I made

»I came to Krabbesholm to study graphic design. Well, I also needed to take some time to normalise my mental state after the difficult circumstances in Ukraine. Eventually this stay have manage to fulfil both first and second point, but also something more.

This is a great bubble to be in. To be with others. To be yourself. To be creative – I mean, technically you can be creative everywhere, but mentally it’s better to be here. When you step into the grounds of a creative school, you automatically get the status of a creator. And it gives you official permission to create.

I think, it’s important to understand, that hard skills are just tools to communicate your ideas. And if you do something day by day, then it defines you as for example a designer or an architect, however it does not limit you to this. It is much more important to find and cherish in yourself what pushes you to learn these tools. During these two semesters I tried to define, understand, scale up something abstract in myself and give it form as something more tangible. So here I developed my creativity mostly through graphic design and photography. Above you see some of the things I’ve created so far. But I am sure that the best discoveries are ahead, and Krabbessolm gave me a huge push in that direction.

It‘s time to say ‘thank you’.«

Alisa Malysheva