Spring 2016
Four Boxes at Krabbesholm Højskole is proud is present Young Danish Photography 2015. The exhibition focuses on the photograph as document and the current interest in this tendency. The theme is examined through the work of six Danish artists who all work with photography, video and other camera-based art. The exhibition has been curated by Fotografisk Center in collaboration with art historian PhD Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz.
Focussing on the photograph as document, the exhibition looks at how reality is presented through the medium of photography. In the 1960s artists challenged the photograph by underplaying its documentative properties, e.g. by mixing text, image and performance. In the 1990s, by contrast, the photograph was regarded as a powerful medium exactly because of its realism. Both of these approaches to the photograph as document is discernible in contemporary art now. However, the photograph is currently being challenged in new ways. This is noticeable when, for instance, the photograph is ‘translated’ into other artistic mediums and appear as text or as a new image.
Young Danish Photography 2015 has been organised in collaboration with Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen, where it was exhibited in the Autumn. Young Danish Photography is an annual exhibition founded in 1998 to raise awareness of the art form and promote the work of young Danish photographers. After the exhibition at Four Boxes Young Danish Photography 2015 will travel to Phototek in Esbjerg. The exhibition has been supported by Knud Højgaards Fond as well as Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond.