With inspiration from his own work, the performance artist Esben Weile Kjær, taught literature and art class for a week. The students worked together either in small groups or individually. As shown in the photos above and videos below the results are both exciting and very succesful! Most of the performances were sitespecific and performed at night – taking place for instance in the forest where we heard a reading involving the audience, at the grain silos near the harbour where a banner was unfolded etc.. There were in all about 10 performances stretching for a couple of hours. As an art form performances often involve some sort of activation of the body – It is an art form that does not only activate the performer, but also the audience. Thus the experience is intensified by being connected in time and space. Furthermore, the fact that the same performance can not be experienced more than once, also enhances the special atmosphere, that can emerge between performer and audience, and also in between audience members.