At Krabbesholm, we held a hobby horse riding tournament as part of our introduction week. Over the past few days, the students have created their own hobby horses, each with a name and personality.
The hobby horse pastime, also known as “hobby horsing,” has evolved from a simple children’s game into a popular activity for both children and adults. At its core, hobby horsing involves riding a hobby horse, a simple toy horse with a wooden or plastic head on a stick. But today, it is much more than just a game. It has become a serious sport, where participants combine elements of traditional equestrian riding and gymnastics.
The hobby has its roots in Finland, where it has grown significantly in popularity since the early 2010s. Hobby horsing includes everything from dressage and jumping to creative performances, where riders execute various routines with their hobby horses, often with impressive precision and grace. Many hobby horse riders sew or craft their own horse head designs, adding a creative dimension to the hobby.
The tournament in the warehouse was organized by the Djursland Hobby Horse Ring Riding Association (DKRF). Thank you to all participants for a memorable day!